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Blog Posts

An athletic turf with a white line painted from foreground to background
Read article: Exploring the Pros and Cons of Synthetic and Natural Athletic Turf
Exploring the Pros and Cons of Synthetic and Natural Athletic Turf
I should not be writing this. The voice in my head says to keep my mouth shut. Yet, the other voice says, maybe someone will find this information...
Green lawn grass with fallen leaves
Read article: What color is your lawn this fall?
What color is your lawn this fall?
As the days shorten and winter approaches, nature has taken on a bleaker appearance. Deciduous trees have lost their leaves, wildflowers have gone to...
rust fungal spores under a dissecting microscope
Read article: Lawn rust: Why are your shoes turning orange?
Lawn rust: Why are your shoes turning orange?
An orange lawn? You’re walking through your lawn. You notice some discoloration in patches, but it doesn’t seem too alarming. After walking in your...
Read article: Lawns and pollinators - The case for dandelions
Lawns and pollinators - The case for dandelions
Urban areas typically have a large proportion of turfgrass. From lawns and residential areas to golf courses, parks and rights-of-way, turf covers...

News Releases

Grassy weeds becoming more common in lawns
URBANA, Ill. — When confronted with lawn weeds, typically we think of dandelion, creeping Charlie, and violet. These plants and many others are classified as broadleaved weeds, or dicots, and are easily distinguished from grasses which are monocots. Scientists have engineered herbicides that...
Become a U of I Extension Master Gardener
Do you want to know more about horticulture?  Are you looking for ways to volunteer and connect with other gardening enthusiasts?  The University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener program trains adult volunteers who assist on many local projects.  Master Gardeners grow produce...