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Connection Corner

Homemade gifts

Traditionally, Black Friday is the official kick-off to the holiday season shopping – but this year, things look a little bit different. Why not shake up your gift-giving routines, too? Try making presents for those you love! Your family can spend quality time together making gifts, fostering connection, and creating memories. Plus, the recipients will feel the extra bit of thoughtfulness and love that went into your efforts. Here are a few ideas to get you started…
  • Dip little hands in fabric paint to imprint on dish towels for meaningful gifts - or dip cookie cutters to use as stamps for fun designs.






Have kids draw festive pictures on folded card stock to use as holiday cards. Each one will be unique!






Decorate cookies together and give plates to family and friends. (You can freeze the cookies until you need them. Then, simply thaw and arrange on plates when it’s time to present them.)